วันพุธที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Abraham and Universal Laws

When I read "Ask and you shall be given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks, I was absolutely amazed by the beauty and authenticity of the message. Never in my life I had been so complete alignment with any doctrine or belief! Say something about the answer! It was!

Esther and Jerry Hicks for the first time in contact with Abraham, in 1980. They began to meditate, to vote with their spiritual leader. Esther began receiving messages from "a leader, known as" Abrahameventually led to its current publications, books, DVDs and teaching.

"Abraham is not a singular consciousness, as you might think that you are in your singular points. Abraham is a collective consciousness. This is a non-physical stream of consciousness, and when one of you asks a question, there are many, many points consciousness that are channeled through what feels like the prospect of one (because in this case, a man, Esther, the interpretation or articulation), so thatIt seems strange. We are complex and multifaceted and certainly multi-consciousness'. ... Questions and is given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Abraham tells us that there are universal laws that if we want our life is what we want and wish for us. We are therefore able to selectively choose the direction in which our lives. Abraham gives us the tools to learn to manifest our desires, so

We can create and we want life, health and happiness.Abraham says
"We are keeping our promise to you - we will remind you of who you are."

P. 8 ... Ask and you shall be given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

The Law of Attraction says, "That which is attracted to him."
Without exception, those that make us think that is what we are beginning to invite your experience. As you give your interest?

Law of creation (science of deliberate creation)
It works if you remember what you want, whatdo not want, or lack of what you want, the direction of thought is your choice. Once created the idea of something to gain from the vibrational energy of the universe, you start at that thought and physical manifestation of you.

The law (nature) is possible
This law puts it all together for you. This is art, not resist, and so what you want to come to you. Deliberate application of Art to permit requires that you be aware thathow you feel, so that the direction of your thoughts. The understanding of this law determines whether you make intentionally or by default.

The study of the teachings of Abraham, you will be happy to lead healthy and abundant, and life the love of your choice.

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