วันศุกร์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Develop your sixth sense

Honing your sixth sense, your intuition, you can help make better decisions in life, because the information you something, the better decisions you can make the faster you may be able to reach your goals, and to allow live more satisfying.

Intuition is the power or ability to attain direct knowledge or cognition without clearly defined rational thought and inference. Intuitive knowledge is knowledge, can not be wonthrough deduction or observation, by reasoning or experience. As such, the intuitive knowledge is as independent thinking, the original knowledge.

Many years ago I was in a bar, where I heard a man with a very strong and lively conversation with someone about the nature of intuition. He argued that the intuitive knowledge of powers of observation. While the information through observation skills can be seen from the above definition excludes intuition, many timesPeople earn enormous amounts of information simply by observing and then seem to be "psychic." Many "clairvoyance false" simply rely on their observation. These skills are also called "cold reading", known and used by stage magicians.

Our subconscious recording of all information from our environment and most of this information is collected outside of our consciousness. If some of this information arises in our consciousness, we canthat the higher realms, because we had no awareness of purchase is always aware.

People who are working to develop their intuition, often using different ways to improve their skills observational data. Sanding is a monitoring capability is one of the essential skills in the practice of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), where they learn to unexpected changes in skin color, dilated pupils, slight changes to pay lip size specified in GNP "minimal cues". TheseSkills is very useful when people play poker, for example. As poker players have transferred financial interest in the outcome of the game, pay attention to the "minimum signal" from other players to notice when another player is bluffing, or may, if they could have a winning hand.

NLP Practitioner sometimes lead to the following year, I began with Dr. Milton Erickson believed. A person could hide an object, and the other playing the role of a "psychological"the wrist of the person to remain hidden. The "psychic" would depend on slight changes to the wrist of the person who was hiding in order to lead to the recovery of hidden objects.

Some people are "intuitive" in nature. Some are so intuitively easier to absorb information from their environment through what seems like osmosis. Have difficulty in one thing and can with Attention Deficit Disorder, is still classified ashis type of information that can completely suitable for certain jobs. For example, I have a friend who is an outstanding investigator. He distinguishes what he does, perhaps especially because of its ability, after being made aware of information, lack of other private investigators. Naturally takes the information from the environment, as if a thorough osmosis. In terms of brain waves, people with this talent prevalent brain activity of theta waves.

Some peopleOf course in an intuitive way to access that information at different times, places, or dimensions of experience related to that are clearly not in any way with which they may be physically connected. At the level of the mind, there is no time and no space, and we are all free, information on everything that we know a great access of each dimension of existence, past, present or future. The only obstacle in this process are the "filters" that we put in ourSubconscious.

The secret to getting this type of information is so formed in the mind empty your mind open and receptive as a crystal clear, so that the color information obtained from preconceived ideas or feelings. Original spiritual master, who never one of self-interests that have nothing to protect themselves emotionally and to have fully opened the infinite, can access information on the rest ofus a miracle. On the other hand, there are many people who may be "channeling" information from different areas, but the information that passes through contaminated by their own prejudices and are not better than anyone could have assumed that based on their understanding rational. True spiritual knowledge is always rooted in love and in the principle of unity - there are exceptions.

We are all intuitive, more or less strong and independentYour level of intuitive ability, you can continue to develop. Development of insight and learning, attention is paid to the information desk is based. For example, if you're trying to decide between two job offers, as you can imagine, it would be in a position and then the other, the right choice to look brighter, you would feel more joy, you feel lighter and would have to bring with extensive experience of inner peace and contentment. If you pick lottery numbersand invest resources where you want to win or horses on the track to learn - once again experience that would, in the information coming from your intuitive knowledge and to distinguish what comes from your rational mind. As a general guideline, if this information from your rational mind is a feeling of tension, a sense of shrinkage and the condensation energy, as you unconsciously try to protect their financial interest. If you are in aState of mind when you try your ego-based self-interest, then close the door of your intuition for security. What is your intuition is always in a state of love, in a state in a state of relaxation and expansion, where a feeling of-all-with-and especially with the theme of your intuition. Where are inside.

A simple way to practice insight on a daily basis is the choice for practical subjects where nono interest, and the result is not important to you. This makes it easier for you to open your mind to maintain the practice for observation. You can try to watch what you pay for someone to meet, or when the phone rings, you can call, or if you're into some new, try to guess, is the place look like before we ride, or you can choose a magazine with pictures and try to look at what images or information that you will find several pagesadvance. In this way there will be a condition of your subconscious to give you information that would normally not accessible, you're bidding through the physical senses.

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