วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Some Thoughts on Meditation

Meditation is a way of private devotion or mental exercise that uses the techniques of concentration and contemplation, in order to achieve a higher level of spiritual consciousness. Meditation "" has arrived in the Middle West and with it the possibilities for development and control of the mind (mental abilities) and the spirit of their psychic abilities. Meditation is there in all religions since ancient times. In Hinduism, for example, was the systematicmany philosophical schools and classifications of yoga. One aspect of yoga, dhyana (Sanskrit and means "wheel, turning, whirling meditation of the power was concentrated forces"), a school of its own among the Buddhists, which makes the foundation of Zen.

In many religions, meditation includes the verbal or mental repetition of a syllable, word, or text which, like a mantra. "Images, like a mandala," or mechanical devices, such as candles, prayer wheels, beads, brass bellsPool, bowling and singing metal cushion meditation can be useful in a center of concentration. These tools can channel the Shakti (energy) of their qi or ch'i (internal life energy or bio-physical support for the human body) to the potential of a deep in their subconscious. This inner life force that connects the physical and spiritual through the energy centers and sacred portals of your seven chakras:

During the 20th century, forSun TM has emerged as a non-religious meditation and technology that was not necessary and not a particular belief system or change of lifestyle. TM, anyone can, regardless of age, race, to learn the profession, or level of education. After a general basis for the understanding of yoga, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, will enhance the meditative experience, and focusing, visualization, and is aware of your body and inner resources.Meditation offers the opportunity to hear or tuning into your inner being, or higher self. What this means in practice that there is a mechanism for use in her or his personal growth and development throughout life. Personal growth and development in the way of mental (higher consciousness) and / or mental (the dialogue and communication with the divine and the realm of the spirits).

With regular practice, meditation can bring a higher senseUnique and inner awareness, but also inner peace. Meditation has many advantages and benefits, such as healing and overcoming the disease, psychological or intellectual development, to overcome their fears and talk with knowledge of the cosmic world. You can train your mind to overcome the disease, solve life's challenges and problems, and to control your feelings or emotional state of being. For example, you can improve yourself and your spiritual discipline in certain areas of your lifeincluding family, relationships, business, career and prosperity. There are meditation techniques that can reduce blood pressure increased to improve the health and well-being, vitality, reduce anxiety and stress through relaxation, slowing aging, changing breathing, improve performance, increase productivity, move to promote deep sleep, brain waves beta alpha state, and more from people's thoughts, actions of self-liberation.

Sahasraram chakra - crown chakra
AjnaChakra - 3rd Eye Chakra
Vishuddha Chakra - Throat Chakra
Anahata Chakra - Heart Chakra
Manipura Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra
Svadhisthana Chakra - Chakra Sex
Muladhara Chakra - Root Chakra

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