วันเสาร์ที่ 23 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Do Famous Spiritual Energy Healers Manifest Miracles?

What is an energy healer? Labor power is a general term used to describe a healing that goes beyond what is sometimes described as an invisible subtle spiritual energy. This spiritual power, energy is used to heal others, whether near or far. Energy policy or a healer spiritual healer is someone who can draw strength and send spiritual energy to others.

There were and are many healers renowned spiritual energy, some say, this mental manipulationEnergy, because of the healing of others for assistance or the help of angels, spirit guides or non-physical entity divine. Some of the more famous healers have also been invited to try on scientific studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of their techniques to participate and often the study confirms their ability to cure.

Many healers claim that we all have the innate ability to exploit the energy of spiritual healing and use it to help others. To this end, we are healing now increasinglySchools, many of whom choose to access a particular method of treatment than the center of most of them. Methods of treatment vary, but some of the most famous include reiki, Quigong healing, therapeutic touch, crystal healing and much more. For example, famous healer Barbara Brennan runs the popular Barbara Brennan healing school.

Well, even though they say that everyone is learning and improving their ability to heal others, you can definitely some special healers that seem to have an innate talent in thisRange.

One of the most famous, if not the most famous healer of the modern era was Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), a healer and psychic trance channellers and some say the founders of the New Age movement, although he is entitled to a devout Christian although with a faith outside the norm. Cayce was famous for channeling answers to question removed after the patient's health. There are numerous reports, the effectiveness of his distantDiagnosis of healing.

Currently, there are thousands of followers of Edgar Cayce and centers in 25 countries. Cayce, known as the sleeping prophet, lay down and go into a trance and then give his reading. It was reported that gave over 20,000 readings in his life.

The above-mentioned Barbara Brennan has trained thousands of students in their method of working with energy. You are a scientist, healer, author and trainer. One of his most famous is the cureHands of Light A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field. Brennan teaches her students to the human energy field or aura and how to cure them. The book cites cases of medical studies from a variety of people heal various diseases.

Eric Pearl, chiropractor and healer is the author of reconciliation. Pearl is a well known healer, is the concept of Reconnective Healing. He describes the reconnection as a way for individuals to connect toFullness of the universe and the fullness of his being. He said that there will be cures brought about by a new range of frequencies in evolution in a range of light and information. While this may seem a bit 'airy and vague the numerous reported healings (including cancer, AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, cerebral palsy and others) seem to have occurred later, indicating that it is an effective method of healing . Pearl Reconnective Healing School teaches thatAnyone can healers on this new method.

Famous healer Dean Kraft was the basis for the NBC movie "A Touch of Hope. One of the most studied and validated healers apparently it all went into hiding for years as its popularity. Kraft reports that Energy Healing activates the mind / body connection and can unblock and balance the patients natural energy fields for the individual to self-healing system start-up aid. Kraft used visualization techniques concentrating on the auraEnergy points of the body and the person concerned. He also sometimes the laying on of hands to affect healing. Dean Kraft was reported to have cured the disease with many types of cancer including brain tumors, liver, breast and ovarian cancer.

Adam the Dream Healer is a young Canadian student studying molecular biology and biochemistry. He has appeared in a series of TV programs in detail his exploits as a healer. His most recent book is the intention of healing and details for the use ofIntention to heal your opinion about your body and others. In it, he puts his scientific explanation of the mechanisms of healing. Dreamhealer Adam has also set up a website, online meeting place for others to focus their intentions on healing those who suffer from certain diseases. He will choose a particular disease such as diabetes, and all have focused their efforts on the treatment that people with certain medical conditions at a particular time of day.

Rosalyn Bruyere is the founder,Director and professor of Healing Light Center Church. This is a famous healer, medicine woman and clairvoyant. Some of his books are wheels of light and Chakra Healing. He often works with physicists and scientists to bring greater coherence among physicians, patients and doctors. Who has done field studies of the human aura and how he used in an attempt to identify and treat the disease in those who dealt with her spiritual energy healings. Bruyere isAuthor of chelation therapy as well as Brain Balancing. Bruyere is an expert in the field of sacred geometry, mystery schools, shamanic rituals, and many other ancient traditions and practices. It combines a deep knowledge of healing with a powerful ability to heal.

Carol Everett is a medical intuitive, energy healer and clairvoyant. She uses her psychic powers, not only for diagnosis of health problems and healing but also in different areas, including investigations andpolice investigations and has also contributed to Scotland Yard. One of her specialties is drawing accurate portraits of unknown criminals for the police. In 1994, filmed in a scientific experiment in the laboratory by Professor Yoshio Machi of Japan, Everett performed correctly diagnosed and from a distance of six feet used her psychic healing energy to heal the health of the woman who had not never seen before.

Rosemary Altea is a medium and spiritual healer who runs acharitable non-profit organization called Healing rahef if not practical or distant healing. If you need any free long distance healing, aka Distant Simply request a free healing at their website and are sending the healing path of spiritual energy. You can also select a healer from their team of healers to send spiritual energy. Altea believes that healing is always done, although it could not heal the physical self, and that the prayers of healingGod, bring healing light and love for the soul and spirit and hope of transferring the physical body.

Sathya Sai Baba is a guru and religious leaders in southern India known as a miracle worker. How popular is Sai Baba? An estimated 6 million followers around the world, he has. There are currently about 1200 Sai Baba center in 114 countries. There are many legends surrounding Sai Baba, but it often seems impossible to distinguish myth from reality.Applications for healings and manifestations surrounding him and his followers are incredibly different. It is said that shows us every day holy ash and other items.

Erlendur Haraldsson, a retired Icelandic psychology professor, interviewed many of the followers of Sai Baba and ex-lovers, as well as examining his alleged miracles and manifestations. His research revealed numerous extraordinary testimonies of reported miracles. The supposed miracles included bilocation, physicalDisappearance events, the conversion of liquid, healings, visions, dreams, weather and more.

There are many other famous healers like John of God, not listed above, as well as some not so famous who may possess or have access to them, if not greater powers of healing. Ultimately, we can and must take all appropriate steps to activate its natural healing powers, regardless of whether the trigger with conventional means, alternative measures, or their own fireworksinnate healing mechanisms.

Many skeptics doubt the ability of those who support or other support to it as a healer of spiritual energy. A healthy skeptism is necessary to protect against fraud and abuse, also a doctor. Charlatans exist. However, it seems that one can hardly dismiss the thousands and thousands of testimonies of those who claim that they had of energy healers, many helped by a non-standard medical care. This, together with the many studiesRegarding the effectiveness of healing energy, and in many cases the effectiveness of the healers themselves, seems to indicate that the prudent approach is to take advantage would be the two paths of therapy, standard and alternative.

In the end it should be open to healing, whatever the source.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 22 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Understanding your life purpose

"What is my purpose?"

"How do I know what it is, if I find him?"

"How can I end my life so that it is" right "?"

If you ask these questions, you are not alone - I feel a bit 'of my clients and other researchers. We are fortunate to live in a day and age, where this is not only acceptable, but for us it is possible to think actively and then act.

To have this conversation, there are some things I needshare with you first. Here is a summary of what I know from my experience, teachings and world view:

• We are here because we are spirit embodied in physical form - we decided to come here and live our life's purpose tangibly. So our purpose is to be here and breathe.

• We're supposed to learn and experience A LOT in every way so our spirit can grow and we can contribute to the greater collective consciousness.

• Challenges are what help us to grow beyond our comfort Area, and without it, we're pretty boring people. We are just stuck, unless you decide to deal with them.

• The Big Picture view, human life is insignificant and very important at the same time. We train as a creative energy through our lives to live.

All that being said, if we are not moving, we feel put us. And then we feel like we live our life purpose is not to live. So we feel vaguely dissatisfied, rather than being present, and theus to greater experience, which is good, because it is our personal contribution to the whole. We are - in ourselves, each other and with the universe. Yet, the purpose of life is not really what we're talking about, right?

So few words to make such a huge concept ... To go back, we are here to breathe, to the experience we have and the entire performance, and the art of creative practice regularly (whether we like it or be satisfied with what we createor not) is another matter. That is our goal in life is.

The real question behind the questions: What is the unique expression of my soul, and how can I flow with her so that I can make a difference in the world?

3 things you've done today:

1. Consider your challenge. What are your learning opportunities at this time? If you look past the challenges in your life, you'll see that you can not find at the moment whatwere about - their only purpose could be seen, after the challenge. Therefore, to really see and explore what is before you now, and how to restructure your opportunity for growth, on which there fast. Use it as the way in which the universe under you, you know, and asked the result for you ... is for you who ask. If you do not like your results, it is time to change what you want, because all that happens is that you get what you asked, on some level.

2. Lookunexpected comments. What are people, 'Look, they said about you during your life, whatever the environment or circumstances. It is likely that your soul has been spying and losses, and others have chosen for you. For example One of my clients struggle with the assurance that it is through their business. I asked this question, and I could not tell us any comments about everyone. If most of the way through our turn, I received a their messageCreate your own "successful program" to others, teach them how to realize their dreams, said: "Ah yes, then one has told me that." Lost the news, why do not contain any trace of them. What messages from the soul, you are missing?

3. Recheck your core business interest. If you are a child or young person, it is likely that interest you or dreams or goals that have lost their place as a life now had priority. See how to do thatSeeds of your soul. In my case, I was always drawn to the "mysterious" psychic connections to the understanding of the invisible. I avidly read books on explorers (which I am) only in an unconventional way, the life of the curious, unusual people, and mysteries (as I later discovered that I was an English Bobby / detective in a previous life). Understand Anyway, I liked the overall picture in all ways - I wanted people to understand and in his car. I remember that about six years,Eating a peanut butter sandwich, and my mother asked, "Why are we here?". Thought I was babbling, but I would be a clear picture of pure energy, with a certain melancholy that was one reason why we are here. And now it's my life's work to help - to understand others, and that following this creative channeling cosmic energy in a personal success.

How is my intention to help the living expression of your soul, not only for the purpose of your life. And 'much largerdass

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Book Review - Translucent Revolution

In case you are old enough to remember, in 1980, was a sound like Marilyn Ferguson came with her book The Aquarian Conspiracy. It 'was an exciting event with tangible proof of something, find what many of us suspected: we are not alone in our new way of thinking? The book examines the many recent developments in research, theory, education, therapies, and in other areas of activity are the "new paradigm." Ferguson was actually called the transition and helped usThe focus on what was happening. Called the separation of the transition to networking. I know that many people in the community were delighted with their analysis, because it echoed a fundamental principle on Edgar Cayce.

The choice of the word "conspiracy" was also cited by interests, as had more than one person in the workplace. He suggested the possibility of creating a new culture, not just a new way of thinking, but a new way of being together,work together, something that had the deep-rooted institution, which will surely prevail, as it could replace the underground movement, "the old boys network '." His overview of the results of science "new" was in many different fields of study that provides the necessary credentials for the new paradigm not only a wishful thinking, but enlightened and rational. Was the only excuse for not part of the conspiracy, it seemed from their encyclopaedic documentationIgnorance.

Now, after nearly 25 years, there is a new book out, written with the same kind of emotion, the same type of proposal that the tide is turning, the same kind of invitation to a part of something big. It's The Translucent Revolution: How People Just Like You Are Waking Up and Change the World (New World Library). The author, Arjuna Ardagh is a person who had never heard before (and I also heard Ferguson, when his book was published). The book says he has practicedMeditation and yoga, as a teenager and has a large following through his "Living Essence Training, which I had never heard of either. However, the book is credible analysis of his collection of hundreds of people who have crossed the cult of new paradigm and are now living, and it makes a difference in the world as a result. The main progress in this book about Ferguson is that, while focusing thought on the evidence of a plot for a new way to book Ardaghis the impact of the application of awakening.

The book begins by placing a few stories of ordinary people who have some kind of peak experience that an example of what they had to "mean translucent." It reflects a state of consciousness, in which the ego is no longer blocked by the higher consciousness can shine. Increased awareness is not necessarily in that people who do not go around in a state of bliss, but the consciousness of unity has become enough of a reality that is their egois no longer the director of his life, but a servant of practical spirituality. How to read his descriptions of these people, it is very likely that is in the midst of them to be.

The author notes that its survey showed a surprise that is not (primarily at the feet of Eastern religion, who found the banner as it may have been) years, but if several aid groups, churches, several volunteers and many schools and businesses.

What happens when peoplesee themselves as connected with others as separate? This will do for others the same for himself. Altruism loses its meaning for these people because they see how the self-sacrifice for another person, but simply how to share the wealth. Volunteering is common among these people, not because the aim of making "good", but because it feels good to share, and it comes naturally. Patience is easy, because the river ", in line with whatOf course unfolds, you feel better to try to oppose "what is. To say" It's an active commitment to a servant of a new world of peace and love.

If people see as eternal Wconsciousness more than mortal "thing" have little need to take control of their lives and agree to change the status quo. There is less emphasis on systems of belief - something that people often use to achieve a sense of mastery of the great mysteryThe life and actions often something that people. Instead, translucent interested in experiencing the heart more connections with others to enjoy and sympathize with different angles. There is openness, acceptance, even an imperfect sense of humor, not falling from a religious conviction, a "human" species, but because it simply does not matter much. What matters is what we do when we work together is a feeling shared by many of us - a fact that supportsThe good news in this book so well documents.

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วันอังคารที่ 19 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Book Review - The Afterlife Experiments - Breakthrough scientific evidence of Life After Death

What happens if you believe a scientific reason for what you already know, I'm in your heart is true? The Afterlife Experiments: Evidence scientific discovery of Life After Death (Pocket Books) by Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D., is a gift for someone who knows that this is life eternal, that the soul survives the death of the physical body. A professor at the University of Arizona, Dr. Schwartz and his revolutionary, double-blind experiments have a lot of feelings. His methodremoves all the objections of skeptics "for the survival of research with one exception - the one that is doing this research, first.

As a scientist, Dr. Schwartz, wants to develop hypotheses and test them. He believes that his work to ensure that the hypothesis that life energy information systems, once created, will continue for an indefinite period means - that provides support eternal soul. Does not say he has "evidence" for the life after death. How can you prove to someone else, asks that you make a special lovePerson? Not for what you say or what you do, because these words and actions could only be the love of his motivation. All they know is "where is the love that certain person, but as you can" prove "to someone else? This is a problem. Another problem is: How do you know that you are correct, interpret as" love "? Perhaps it is really something else. Dr. Schwartz replied that the scientific process that allows the existence of things, we can concludecan not confirm directly acknowledge the existence of invisible, like gravity. Science allows us to evaluate the interpretations of our experiences of some interpretations, while rejecting the others must still be viable.

We all know that the evidence can not prove mediumship "," the existence of life after death, because there are too many alternative interpretations of data. The first is perhaps the medium or psychic has enormous psychic abilities and can be easily"know" the answer to a question posed, although the data sent from a given spirit of a deceased person. Psi This "super" hypothesis is almost impossible to disprove, A. The double-blind test, Dr. Schwartz reports can demonstrate to transfer information "abnormal", certainly, but no experiment can certainly "prove" that the information obtained from immaterial souls. Instead, Dr. Schwartz believes that the information the information exchanged. For example, ifMedia Relay corrected some information from deceased relatives during the meeting, the spirit is often the medium, jokes, and interacts with the medium. If the media just picked up information and have not been in a genuine dialogue with an intelligent being, is not this kind of event that takes place. The bottom line is that the simplest explanation for all the data that the information comes from living souls abnormal. So he has the scientific data that allows us to believewhat we already know to be true. So what?

Gary Schwartz is a great perspective as to show that life survives the death. His research has reason to suspect that there is love behind it provided. And 'love for transferring information - communication among loved ones in spirit and loved the physical body motivated. Sir Isaac Newton, the man who discovered gravity he explained, that this appeal that was made between all things in creation of aRevelation of God, in other words, the gravity of Newton equated with love. Love is the universal energy, said Professor Schwartz.

Love is a human face on energy, which is the Info-energy systems, which we call soul. He also notes that it is love that most of the communication between the psychic medium and the system info-energy that is motivated soul aka. In many cases, his attempts to communicate with the spirit of information that has less influence on the experimental conditions wouldhad, as it includes the teaching of love for relatives living. Much like a ghost may have been motivated to help the experiment succeed, and combine the information you need, you should use the other messages that have a strong desire, the spirit that relatives who live to know the love that has always taken a reasoned from deceased relatives were still among the living.

Dr. Schwartz, the history, the way involved in this study said it was his love for the love of a colleague of hislate father, who had considered the idea of him in the afterlife inspired. It 'was an intellectual curiosity, but for HAPS not enough to justify the criticism that research has generated among his colleagues. It 'was the love, pushed him into action. As a reward for the success of its pilot scheme to demonstrate the feasibility of a scientific research on survival, his work clearly demonstrates the eternal presence and infinite power of love in creation of the linktogether, not what the community and the community is only possible, but essential for life.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Are You Missing The Psychic Hits Your leaders have been trying to send?

Their leaders are trying to communicate with you, but you're not getting easier? Take this quiz to find out immediately if it has lost some invaluable help from beyond the veil. Then follow the tips to get your psychic abilities. Give yourself two points for each "often" response to one point for "sometimes", and zero for "rarely".

You have your nightly dreams alive and started to follow a specific theme?
What do the words of a pop song in particular a suddenYour mind while you are otherwise thoughtful?
It is a recurring theme seen in your life: take the same problems that develop in the conversation wherever you go, each one with you?
You shot a psychic (Oracle or otherwise) with a question burning a single answer to address a different topic? And if you felt annoyed by this response, add an extra for your guests.
Have you ever had a psychic "hit", a new idea, knowledge, impulse or feeling ofThe anticipation or the sudden urge to swing at you, but then quickly dismissed as too emotional or illogical, because there is "no reason"?
It is a new approach to an old problem never put in mind of the process, but immediately rejected because it is not "fair" or "not working"?
You gave the meditation, ask for advice and engage in a certain sense the answer, but evaporates, your mind tries to understand what it is?
Do strong emotions, frustration, sadness, envy,Desire, irritation, numb or anything ever happen when you do the other thing that once aspired to see? And if you ever aware of a pain or pain in your body, as well as two additional points.
Have you ever heard your friends talking about their leaders, and wondered why you seem to be the only one who had not?
Answer to this last question with a simple yes or no: I never knowingly asked God to guide, Oracle or AngelsHelp.


0-6 points: You've both developed a clear and useful way to communicate with your guides and see no reason to change what works, or if you answered "no" # 10, you're playing with the cosmos impostor.
7-12 points: You are aware of the success, but this message. Use the following tips to raise your antennae.
13-19 points: Your guides are definitely trying to get something for you. Study the following suggestionsYou know why do not you find out.
And if "no responses" from # 10, then surely the article, which led to Can Happen guides before starting communication with you, read on WomanSpiritOracles.com to hold off your spiritual life.

Your guide will use almost anything to with their message, you will receive: dreams, music, colors, "coincidences," oracles, pendulums, physical sensations, other people, animals, nature, automatic writing, visions, clairvoyant, even plainSo, if all else fails.

You can suddenly, the words of a song in my head back and forth. Or awaken with a dream that you feel are important "in a strange way. O from meditation with sudden insight. Or meeting a stranger, without further notice, is that just what you're listening requires. You may feel attracted to the magazine or draw or paint. Or, to go into nature and suddenly sees something in the shape of a tree or River Bend, which illustrates perfectly what is reallyhappens in your life. Or you may suddenly be removed bodily sensations not ignore it. Or you can Oracle or other means of divination are designed to clarify the support you want. Being open to all roads, because it works more will be used. They want you to be the message.

If the message is always, if the dream or feeling is particularly bright or intrusive, you can be sure it is something you need to pay attention. And if I do not like when you feelResistance, then you can be safe from all that fear plays a role. Overcoming fear and depend on the real fortunate to be in a position for the message.

Your guide, if nothing else goes, "talk" with you in your mother tongue. But unless you are pretty good at channeling in this way is usually the last resort, because the ego is so easily misinterpret or intentionally obscure their message.

To help your jump channels of communication, follow the stepsSuggestions:

Ask what you need. Answer.
Clear your space static. Turn off the television, radio, iPod, MP3, etc., then the soul Turn signals and messages your guides "is not lost in the chatter in the background.
Take time to be quiet. No matter if you want the silence of meditation, prayer, singing, fishing, nature walks, or sitting quietly on the back porch, he needs to tune in to find the time. (Yes, we are accustomed to multitasking, but remember your carGetting guidance, peace Your Mind, Healing Your Body, Anti-Aging and your mind is sure to qualify as a multi-tasking too!)
Being open to what you get "too much". The message can come in any form.
If you are aware of the importance of the message you are unsure, ask for clarification.
Experimenting with new methods. Choose what avenue six drawn. If it works, will use your advice.

You deserve happiness. And peace. Happened. Their leaders are at your side to help you achieve it. All you need to do is ask. Do ittoday!

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วันเสาร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Interpretation of dreams - symbols of dreams - Water

If water appears in dreams, can have two different meanings, depending on the crowd.

If you see only a few drops of water, it means forgiveness. The drops give life to dry land and means the continuation of life after hibernation as water gives life, the seeds for the plants.

This is water that makes the dust sit and stop flowing around the world. In this case, the powder is caused by collisions, and the water puts an end to the fight against dustsettle or wash away.

A few drops of water are sufficient to extinguish the fires, which began to burn. Forgiveness puts an end to violence, to prevent hatred continue to burn the heart of someone.

However, if you see a lot of water like a river, the negative meaning, because it symbolizes the earth, plants, or in other words, is what he dreams of water (usually in a flood), too materialistic. It does not take into account the existence of their minds, they behave as ifHis life has no meaning for daily survival. The water that they (see plenty of water when it is) the importance of the plant to the spirit of the earth, light and invisible flying in the air, but was attracted by heavy water, that after the earth and fell out of the correct size.

If you see a river in your daily life, so you can interpret as well as the importance of everything that's happened in your life, a symbolic significance and symbolic meaningprovides information about the reality of where you are and ignore the content of your psychic sphere that you take.

Too much water is a sign of superficiality and meaninglessness. Do not think that various aspects of reality that are important, why do not underestimate their value. Do not hold the future, other influences in your life, the meaning of life in general, or anything. They focus only on the narrow area of daily life, obligations, friends, problems;Live a superficial life.

There are many other things happening in the world, next to everything you know. The meaning of life can not be what you imagine.

They are not only made of flesh and bone.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Astral Projection Methods

Astral projection is when the astral body conscious and separate from our physical body. The person who is practicing maintained all the 5 senses and you feel like you are flying or floating and nothing can enter the physical body while astral projection.

Astral Projection A method that you can sit in a place where the spine erect. Relax sure that you are inhaling and exhaling, but it is absolutely important not to fall asleep. Next imagea photo of yourself in a ball of light then the meaning is just the first touch, feel and move his arms astral, close to obtaining your hearing, smell, and after that, the taste.

Finally, if you connected in all senses, open your eyes and look at all your senses will be more awareness of the astral body to concentrate. Astral sight does not really depend on your physical eyes, but it is not something that should have a newcomer to the first concern.

First, it should workMove your consciousness and then you have taken the first step towards success. The rest of your senses and should proceed. Not reach some of the most common problems with the man's astral projection is that their memory is not clear or foggy and which also have difficulty transferring their consciousness to their astral body.

You need a clear picture of the astral body then begins the physical awareness of the astral body must be moved. If there is no physical trainingMuscles, then people are not able to give a proper co coordinated so as to concentrate the mind. It 'important to have an intense fire. Be sure to lock everything from his head. With these techniques is soon succeed in Astral Projection.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Why go to the heart of one of the most important things is

A friend of mine, Jason, who also goes by the nickname Papa Graz (he is also known as Metro Detroit rapper) is a nice piece of work she had all her heart.

In the cold, modern society we live in, which is a gift from God for the great mass of people demonstrating, in general the greatest indifference to the suffering of others vary.

It is influenced as such a common thing to someone who did not, if the network or in real life. OftenPrompt look too good, physically and morally, but the image that develops around them doesn t often provide their real.

Our modern world makes many people choose the path of non-superficial. Few choose the path of gold loyalty to himself and shows compassion for others.

Girls and boys to choose the other depending on their appearance and contempt for the personality and character.

Let me tell you something. What you call 'pleasure love' means. RealLove is something else, provides a less attractive person in the most beautiful creatures in the world. Why? Quite simply, because, contrary to the true beauty within.

I remember a story about how a child, in which two characters were ugly disguise to seduce each other, said. The charm worked and fell in love with each other. One day, they lost their disguises and appeared as the two people were ugly. But love disappears didn t. You know why? Since this is trueLove!

If you're an artist, a journalist, a writer, or whoever, you have each other warmly.
This is perhaps the most important thing in life when you achieve success.

Just as salt meat, which will prevent you from ever damaged.

Big up to Jason for his article in heart!

© Copyright 2007 by Isabelle Eslinger
All rights reserved

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วันพุธที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Types of mental abilities - what they are, and I have this?

There are many different types of mental abilities that are wired into our central nervous system, everyone has the capacity to trigger different sensations and create unusual talent. One of the greatest enemies, in my opinion, however, that is the development of perception and acceptance of intuitive capacity, the different way we categorize and itemize these gifts.

For the layman or the skeptics amongst us, throwing around esoteric terminology and strange-sounding labelsonly strengthened the feeling that all those involved, whether the candidates are just some latent Hokus Pokus! Language like - astral travel, telekinesis, channeling and the like just to bring the negative associations, and many eyes to roll when you call them in good company. But behind closed doors, many people report this same experience, perhaps a little 'differently classified, but the same phenomena as well! Let's take a closer look at some ofdescriptors commonly used:

1) clairvoyance:

This generally refers to visual manifestations of things not current in your field of vision. E 'from the French "see clearly" and will be one of the most publicized and commercialized forms of psychic phenomena. But - you knew that the United States government soldiers investigated psychic abilities for many years as a possible form of espionage "at a distance?" Yup - was (and) is called remote viewing, and it was believedhigh enough to make the CIA a decade of experiments designed to investigate the operation Stargate, call, in what many impartial observers believe, is the empirical evidence that this is not a parlor game room! Some of the things "seen in these experiments, actual and verifiable descriptions of scenes, many thousands of miles away is the paradigm of all, if you take a look. Fascinating stuff!

2) clairaudience:

This refers to the actual hearing of soundsare not readily available, people less sensitive. It includes sounds heard both in external, objective realm (ie - a clear voice that) our "normal" external reality, and a substantial noise heard in his mind (indoor light, but has decided). Many people report clairaudience in times of great stress or danger, we all know the stories of near-death experiences in which the subject hears a distinct inner voice, lead by difficult or traumaticSituation. One of the dilemmas associated with clairaudience that many mentally ill people report very similar phenomena, often makes it difficult to study actual event - it is a real experience or a momentary hallucination?

3) precognition:

This is probably the most common of all mental phenomena known, most not known as one of internal security, or "clear". Many people report that they have an experience where something justappear in his mind, like a simple matter of truth and acceptance. It could be death of a loved one, the end of a relationship or even a hint of an event that is coming. This view is magnified, and can be thinner than any number of ways! We all know the feeling, the experience of believing that some of us is an opening to another level or awareness and being, while others think it's just a simple gut feeling ..:-)

You decide what you believe - but IThey believe, like me, in fact, psychic! And this capacity leads to the release of a wool and wild world of wonder and enthusiasm!

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วันอังคารที่ 12 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Astrology Forecast for September 2008 - the general trends for all zodiac signs

September begins with a sound impressive. The first weeks of this month, a strong work ethic and perseverance to bring with Jupiter and Saturn, three things. Things can be very creative about half of the month, as Venus, Mercury and Mars shares, a trine with Neptune. Mercury halted further 24 early September and can slow the progress, in order to get important projects done early this month.

We could be in the mood for hard work on special projects for the Labor Day, the first dayof Ramadan, and most of the first week of September, the harmony with the Sun joining Jupiter-Saturn. The Sun is in Virgo, so its time to harvest. We will work hard with an instinctive sense of instructions, and harvest our crops, and we should just focus on our society and our property. Might be the case for some time cleaning the house. I read an article called "Jupiter Trine Saturn - willing to work hard" if you want.

Saturday, September 6th, weMaybe there are some disappointments, and our energy would be low. Those of us who do not have them in the last week we can do Burnout find this weekend. It could be miscommunication and problems of travel on Sunday and Monday. In particular Monday, 8 September, with Pluto and Jupiter at direct station on that day. It could also, money and family problems emerging Monday and Tuesday.

We may feel like flirting or pampering, as we approach the end of the second week ofSeptember, but until Saturday, September 13, should begin to improve our moods, too. People will be cooperative and polite, and will be a great weekend for parties and social events. Some of us may get some very creative ideas, and group projects are also all the way through the Autumn Equinox, September 22 on foot. Going to a week of great creative projects, and friends and family.

You can hit a rough couple of days since Tuesday 23 September, 25 Change with MercuryDirections. Yes, it's time for another Mercury Falling, and usually the worse days of its retrograde periods, when you change direction. Mercury conjunction Mars, when he turns around, and that the injuries media! In particular, motor vehicle accidents. Drive carefully. Verbal arguments could be avoided easily physically during this time, then the arguments at all costs. I have an article entitled "Mercury Retrograde in Libra - Where is the truth?" If you want to learn more.

TheWeekend of September 27 could bring creative intelligence in unexpected places. Mercury retrograde in your channel will consist of Neptune. It 'a very strong possibility of voices from the past through the love this weekend. All religious meetings could strong spiritual bond Rosh Hashanah, the last day of the month.

Mercury will be directly in the next month and in October, has its ups and downs. Could also be somethingunexpected policy actions towards the end of the month. Check next month to learn more.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Do You Want to Know - What is a healer?

A healer is a person the ability to treat disease is to eliminate pain and to diagnose diseases by their ability to make a diagnosis and treatment of disease. With your hands on a energy Geistheiler person can manipulate. In addition, a healer you can use visualization to create wealth and gain Go to channel spirit guides to knowledge, how should the recovery or diagnosis. Although there was a point in timeif there was a healer, who has treated a person who practiced crazy wild and crazy person to think a spell or curse. Fortunately, the perception has changed and many healers were taken as a holistic health professional.

When it comes to energy, is the world of doctors in the theories of quantum physics format that demonstrates that all matter is really energy is produced and that a solid mass is not simply the result of energyconcentrated in a mass exercise. Health workers believe that most illnesses and diseases due to the concentration of negative energy. They are doing the end of the healer, that the destruction of masses of negative energy and the relief of persons suffering, pain or disease. Scar tissue western doctors are now somewhat similar, and high-intensity ultrasound to destroy tumor cells and dissolve.

Just as Western medicineMedical, mental healers use different techniques to treat a disease person. Some spiritual healers use their hands to manipulate a person's energy and break the blocked areas of the body. This practice is also known to align the chakras. Other Healers Practitioners rely on a form of prayer or of phenomena such as display the sick person, free from disease, suffering or pain. There are other psychic healers, which is a different useState of consciousness, and impressions alcohol clairvoyant channel and the cause of disease or information on how to treat the disease.

A healer may also be able to help or cure a person so far in the presence of that person and how can the other side of the world. I like this kind of spiritual healer, an object that belongs to the person concerned, to work on, but it is not necessary if you can speak, I am the personthe telephone, internet, or simply a picture of the person. One of the most amazing healing psychic abilities and also one of the most scientifically.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 9 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Secret Behind The Secret DVD - 23 Motivational Quotes - Movies That Change Lives

If your first encounter with Esther Hicks has been observed, The Secret Movie, then you may not be familiar with their work. During my first sight some of The Secret DVD the teachers that I spoke of the fittest, where Esther Hicks and Michael Beckwith. I was curious to learn more. Mrs. Hicks is not connected to the secret site in no way connected, I had to do a little research. The amazing journey through the teachings of Abraham's wonderful.

Only those with an open mindYou need to venture here. Abraham defies logic. I have this DVD, "The Secret Behind The Secret" for a great introduction to the teachings of Abraham. Is packed with more than 3 hours of footage, looks like a 2-DVD in September If you are an expert followers of Abraham, you may be disappointed by the fact that almost all the shots was taken in 2004. For me, the combination of Esther is to see, hear, Esther, music and special effects more than compensate for this fact. What might surprise the novice applicant more secretsis that the information presented here has a lot of similarity with the DVD The Secret, but it is open to the public since 1986, hence the title of this movie.

Because everyone has their own personal journey to discover the message of Abraham-Hicks. These 23 inspirational quotes from the DVD:

The happiest man is the most successful people.
We are able to change, no one is in jail, where they are.
Weall energy beings.
If the answer is then there are the answers.
The more we know, that express the no less obvious physical words that we have.
Now I understand that the meaning of life is joy.
They are endless secrets, and are as broad and deep as the demand that is made.
I feel really good about the power of what they are teaching and the practical advantages for individuals.
I am very comfortable saying I do not know whatand I do not care what it is, I use it only for the good that I can do with others and myself, this is my best description.
We are Abraham, we are what we are.
We are here because you asked.
We are here to remember what they are and have forgotten.
They are all extensions of energy source, and so can never be separated from the stream of consciousness that is truly ...
Many of you have done these barricades or separation, you seeseparated, and so when you drop those barriers and let you really start to flow that is when your life really fun.
Can not be separated from what they really are.
We are not so interested that you believe in our existence, as we are concerned that you get your own love.
The proof that we are trying to be happy and to find evidence that there is a worthy, who is blessed and that good things come to youand the extension of the source of energy.
The excitement is a very sophisticated sensor vibration.
If you are with the source that you do not need proof, because we know very focused things for the better contact to thrive.
There are gay people who live in poverty, and there are unfortunate people who live in prosperity.
You can not beat, what goes wrong and leave what's going in the right drum.
If you're willing to pay attention to how you feel you can not seeThings I feel terrible, and create a wonderful world.
The world is a beautiful place, and it is not broken.

In summary, this informative DVD for me to understand a phenomenon, which could, in my view, a number of people difficult to consider. Understanding that energy is not physical, or vote, or to be available (again) to lead people (all) the answers to their raison d'etre, their connection with Source, the answers to their inner strengthcreate. I think this DVD is an excellent complement to the mystery of DVD because they are not ready for non-physical channeling of Abraham is still possible to exploit the ideas of physics teacher in the movie by Rhonda Byrne. "

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วันพุธที่ 6 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Protection of white light

You may have heard the term "White Lighting" in front. Let me explain what I think is really white light or not. Many believe in some kind of higher power in the universe, how many names: God, Yahweh, Allah, the Universal Consciousness, the Great Spirit, Higher Power, etc. I was probably at this point in my life to my Higher Power. I believe with all my heart that there is a higher power that is me. White light is the expression of that power, or if there is a spirit. The white light is thisPower, and is the stuff that makes galaxies, planets and all living beings, including you and me.

Ever noticed after some time with people who seem lethargic, or other extreme, anxious? Some describe it as feeling drained. "Or how about having seen or heard other people, you start to smile and feel full of energy? These are things known as the transfer energy. All living things have a white light, or universal life force, and can be transferred fromPerson to person. Have you heard people say that they feel or updated after it was restored in the countryside or the beach? This is because plants and nature have the same energy and freedom to help us if we miss.

The white light is simply a way to fill with the force of life. It is generally seen as a white light, hence the name. When your energy is full, there is escape others around you.

This is a very simple and very effective. Close your eyes and. Imagine given the source of universal power over you, and keep it off and enter into yourself. Feel it flowing through the top of the shower head, a white light, energy, and universal love, fill your head and spread throughout the body. If you feel the warmth in you, and it is filled, you can stop the display, giving your eyes. Simple.

This process is also very effective in meditation, reading, energy work, tarotCards, channeling, or if you believe that you are in a difficult situation. White light is also protected.

However, imagine the time that your eyes are closed, instead of the white light of the imagination, how he runs your body and soul, the white light down and around the body. I personally say, "I am the greatest protection from the white light of God, to be protected." I do it before you go, you go to meetings, reading tarot cards, and counseling sessions.Because I do much more with the energy on a daily basis, I personally add a passage: "Around me, reflecting a blue band of negativity, where they came from."

You will find that to be seen in a short period of time, you will be able to quickly see the colors and the lights around you. Until you with the feeling that energy that you are comfortable, you may find that you have to do several times a day if you want it to be always protected. Once you are accustomed to this process,Note that your light "white and blue" remains in force for much longer periods.

Good luck with your white light!

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วันอังคารที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Book Reviews - Dream Paths Iriquois

When I was interested in dreams, because I focused on their creative potential. Apocrypha of scientists, the dreams, which led to important discoveries and inventions laboratory had inspired me. When I began to dream of teaching work, the creative aspects and to implement the dreams seemed to have more appeal to the people. People naturally ask, "What do I do?" to justify the time to study dreams.

Creating dreams fits well with the unique approach of Edgar CayceDream job. Rather than the "correct" interpretation was a dream, make further progress, he proposed finding a way for the dream of trading him. "Follow your dreams" would be a popular way for his philosophy. Thought is deeper than that, if a person does something for the dream felt that the measures will stimulate a dream, and over time a relationship between the person and dreams will be developed.

Assuming the knowledge the dream,Theme of the Dream Town are Research Project (now back 30 some years later, in the form of the 21st century, as the draft Edgar Cayce Dream Quest, please visit: http://www.edgarcayce-intuitionschool.org / dreams), showing that ordinary people can make creative use of their dreams for guidance, provided to help develop insights into the creative dreams can find. This project clearly established the practical value of dreams - their ability to creatively testsDaytime pursuits.

Today, the scene of the dream is very different. There is a broader perspective on the value of dreams for the practice on earth. The average person can still ask, "What do I do?" when the dream job, but have broadened the potential payoff eligible. While many people, personal insights and suggestions for creative expression in their dreams to find many other approaches, their dreams for healing, identifying mental, to build communitySoul Retrieval, for spiritual meetings and call for extra-dimensional experience, a few "applications". Any reading of the magazine, which is really just for dreamers, Dream Network is to confirm how broad the interest, not necessarily related to everyday practicality.

One of the most active player in the modern field of dreams is Robert Moss, an exemplary explorers dream worlds and a production partner of his discoveries. He appears in his dreams and takes note of the callsother realities, which give. More than a discoverer of an interpreter, he talks less about what dreams and say more dimensions of consciousness they reveal. In his recent book, Paths Dream of the Iroquois: Respect the will of Secret Of The Soul (Destiny Books), tells the story of his spiritual initiation, the spirits of Native Americans, which occurred in his dreams, and its interaction dream keeper with the days synchronic natives. Tells what he learnedfrom this dream encounters during the journey of the soul in consciousness, a story similar to "Edgar Cayce mythistory" (a word to use Moss), from creation through the separation of soul and union with the Creator. It would be fair to say that Dr. Moss, the important thing of dreams is to use the work for us to remember our true nature as a spiritual soul.

I have a similar idea in an attempt to summarize Cayce is assumed that the end of the dream for us to empathize, to ourThe soul, the treasure inside. Ideally, the dream of the soul of work, the awareness that are normally open, except when we sleep, more a part of our waking consciousness. Dr. Moss once again reminded us that a dream is a call to action. We must act on the dream, the soul which has brought honor to our conscience.

One of the measures we value most is the dream of singing! Ask to do so. The attempt to sing a dream, as I can testify, was put in contact with the atmosphere of the dream, the shadowSoul. Singing creates a spell when the magic of 'soul can be seen in this dream cast. This is an experience of energy than insight. It seems impossible to connect with the energy can be the soul, but with experience, you come to understand the importance of being able in the world with a physical approach is not conscious.

Dreams are important to bring a sense of intuitive, timeless, in a co-creative relationship with the experience of the unfolding of life. TheAlternatives, as in terrible dream Moss, who leads an amnesia modern man for the soul of a lifeless, the existing mechanism, completely impossible. Creating the impulses of the soul - it was an artistic and creative work, an attempt to build a new relationship or a new way to honor the conscience of the mind - is the style in the changing workplace of today will be active dreaming.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 4 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Psychic - Channels & Channeling

This is usually done by the media. There are highly developed psychic abilities. The historical descriptions of the media goes back almost 4,000 years, Chinese literature. Ancient Asian media empire known as Wu consulted. Wu said that councils communicate data, information and insights from the spirits of the dead.

There are two types of media. Mental media gives insight, expertise, clairaudience (hear voices and messages) andAccess sensory impressions (thoughts). Some media are known psychic John Edward and James Van Praagh.

Physical media serve as channels for the physical manifestations of disembodied spirits initated. To populate the Rev. William Stainton Moses was for the levitation, table tiliting known, mysterious sounds, lights and smells and hands materialization lumuinous and columns of light, with human forms.

I'm sure most of you have seen the movie Ghost with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore.For the movie, Sam (Patrick Swayze) has to be his wife, Molly (Demi Moore), realizing that is to unite in danger, so he tries to communicate with Molly through Oda Mae Brown (Whoppi Goldberg), a fake psychic finds out that his power is real. At the end of the film Oda Mae Sam can give his body so that he can and Molly one last kiss. This meduimship known as channeling or trance.

Channeling is one of the most controversial forms of mediumship. Was in vogue untilonly in the 80s later. Channeling is not as popular because many channels are violated or falsified their ablities. Some of them were executed with their talent on cults and power over others.

Another name for the channel is a trance medium, are so called because when the spirit takes over her body to communicate with them, give a deep trance state and become unconscious. Often the channels you speak with an accent and add unique and complex messagesTeachings.

Spirits sometimes pretend to souls spiritually very advanced, or super human beings - angels, avatars, or ascended masters. Some believe that many of these spirits were never humans, or that once were men, but have now surpassed the human condition and that rose to higher dimensions. Most channels do not communicate with normal people who have passed away.

JZ Kinght, the channels most popular medium in trance a company named Ramtha.Ramtha claims to 35000 years old warlord of Atlantis. Another medium in trance channels Penny Torres a company called Mafua. Mafua says it was a ghost of a leper, who lived in Pompeii.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Mudras & Hand Symbolism: Mudras of the Egyptian tradition

The ancient Egyptians had a source of wisdom and occult mysticism. In those days the Egyptian mystical brotherhoods or "Mystery Schools of Luxor, Thebes, Memphis and Heliopolis, along one of the many portals, which represents the Universal Great White Brotherhood whose existence was established by cosmic beings in order to promote development human through the application of spiritual disciplines and the apprehension of the cosmic laws. These lessons have beenas in remote places, in subterranean temples, and at night under the canopy of heaven. Many eminent Greek sages studied at these Egyptian schools of metaphysics, including Plato, Thales, Pythagoras and Democritus. In these schools of the mysteries, the goddess Isis was especially venerated. She personifies nature and, after a Greek interpretation meant occult knowledge. Isis also questioned the mystery schools and education, have emerged as a resulther womb and is born as "two well-known" because they were born directly by the Holy Spirit.

Contrary to what is generally believed that the Great Pyramid of Cheops is built as a tomb, but as a "house of introduction," a place where the teachings of the gods were the Master "of secret places" those in the success of stringent tests of land, water, air and fire. Spiritual disciplines have been taught that ultimately transformed each spiritual aspirant at the point ofits division into an incarnation of a god, or in our modern metaphysical vernacular, "a perfect human being" or "Christ" - an anointed one. Found in this sacred temple of learning and wisdom have been numerous statues, most of which were considered and revered as gods by the ignorant masses, and as role models by the equally ignorant religious fanatics of succeeding generations. Those who are involved in the temple of initiation, however, regarded these statues as teaching devices and used themrepresent some aspects of the microcosm and the laws and principles of nature.

Many metaphysical disciplines were given to the novice in these schools Mystery practice the spiritual exercises in disciplines mudra was given. Some of the statues and symbols of Egyptian gods are portrayed with certain mudras. The novice was taught to take during the implementation Mudra meditation, breathing exercises and visualization.

Here we present only some of theseEgyptian mudras that you may have in your daily spiritual routine. You can specify that only do one at a time, in a single sitting. This is permissible, but these Egyptian mudras, which would be more effective if done in succession to give them all together in a work-out.

1) The Sun-Bearer Mudra. Place both hands above his head holding an imaginary SO tense. Palms up. View the sun as a microcosm of a divine splendor of fire - it is the presence of your institutionSelf. Imagine reversed first rays of the Higher Self pouring into your hands. Note visualization and hand position for five to ten minutes. Chant the mantra, "HU" over and over again. These Egyptian mudra helps to absorb more energy. The hands are positioned above the lower layers of the aura above the head makes it easier for the magnetic field of the contact superconscious self, and hence the lower aspects of the microcosm of empowerment. Unless stated otherwise, leaveRespiratory rhythm in this course, and following years.

2) The Cross-Chest Mudra. This is a gesture of the Egyptian King. The left hand is placed on the right side of the chest and right hand on the left as you can see the statue of Osiris. As you recall, this is a sign of resignation. If you are standing or sitting upright with the spine erect, instead of maintaining in the lotus position, with your feet. Thus, the circuit is closed in the lowerand circulate the energy. Take a deep breath, while in this position and maintain it for as long as comfortable. Then the air slowly. Repeat three times. After three cycles of deep breathing maintain the mudra for five to ten minutes longer than normal breathing and recite the mantra, "AIM" several times. This mudra draws the energies of the physical body, especially in the area of the chest. It helps to strengthen and awaken psychic centers, as is theAnahata chakra or heart center. The thymus is has the power over the heart chakra, the immunity level of the physical body to be enriched. This is one of the mudras taught Rosicrucian Order, a mystical brotherhood survival of ancient wisdom hidden. According to oral tradition of the Order, was in Egypt by Thutmose III - one of the enlightened pharaohs that ruled the country based on the Nile. This mudra integrates the positive / negative, and solar / lunar forcesin the body. Divine power in the results of physical system with the use of this site represents.

3) The Praise Mudra. The members of the Egyptian Mystery Schools were well versed in the art of meaning and praise their gods. Temple hierophants knew that the secret effects of praise on the person who received the praise of God like it. About two thousand years ago, we were told that our enemies by an introduction of the Egyptian mystery of School. Why? Because love ennobles us.Not matter if another deserves our love or not. The act of love we lay our divine nature and causes of a force greater than our Higher Self, which relate to physical form. The same principle applies to the praise of God or a higher being more advanced than humanity. Divine essence or the source of all matter, if we praise or worship in any way. They are egoless and therefore irrelevant whether you comply or not. Religious and spiritual teachings channeled fromIntelligences of Light, we have learned to give praise and thanks to higher powers. This is not for her sake, but for us. Celestial beings are our spiritual development. The act of praise with a sincere heart and selfless to bring to us, with new vigor and vitality, and is a healthy and a spiritual discipline, it is absolutely necessary excited. Although praise may be given at any position, the Egyptian Masters have discovered that a particular place, with someMudra offers a maximum effect. This is done by squatting with the right knee touching the ground, making the left knee raised. The left fist closed, and chest right arm upward to the side of the head and the outstretched hand in a fist set up. A variation of this is to use the right index finger to represent themselves. Anubis, the god of the dead, has modeled this beautiful location for us. Hold for 5-10 minutes, when they still owed somethingGod for the life within you. During this time, breathe normally, while singing the mantra, "EMA-HA." In a little 'you will feel regenerated. There will delight fans of your being.

4) The Solar Plexus Energizer Mudra. All cats are symbols of solar energies. So it is apt that Sekhmet, the goddess of cats as described here, takes a secret pose that strengthens the sun center of her physical being, or in other words, her solar plexus. The nerves of the solar plexus that connects to almostevery organ of the body. To channel the energies and concentration in the solar plexus, because our bodies to function optimally. But be careful, as above-polarization could lead to problems. Take this mudra while standing or sitting. Breathe normally. Close your left hand into a fist and place it over the solar plexus, as Sekhmet. The right hand should also be a handful, but on the side. After 5-10 minutes turn to maintain this positionHand position. The right hand into a fist in the solar plexus, while the left hand side of the body. Run justify it for another 5-10 minutes while mentally asking your Higher Self to the solar plexus and also the mantra to sing slowly, "RA-MA" about 9 times available.

5) The Mudra magnetizer. This mudra has a twofold purpose. It is used to absorb pranic energies from the environment or from a source of particular, but also for the Aura a magnetizing current is so busy tostrengthen against invading metaphysical forces. This mudra confers various benefits, it can improve health, to complete a reserve of psychic energy, acquire charisma, etc. In this Mudra you can sit or stand, or assume the asana as portrayed by the goddess Nephthys: place among the left foot to perform the buttocks and sit on it. The right foot resting on the floor with your knees up. Now put your hands in front of him, palms outward. If you doMudra to absorb energies then visualize and feel the energy from infinite space streaming palms sparks of golden lamps and silver. Or if you want to get energy from a specific source - from the sun, for example, see and feel "iodine" or "rain" drops of power entering the palms of the hands from the sun. Do this for 5-10 minutes. View the cosmic forces of the breath as you enter.

To magnetize your aura with this mudra, simply imagine, andsee a flow of golden energy derived from palm trees and build around your aura - a circumscribed space around you. See your aura is permeated by this radiant energy. This should be done for 5-10 minutes. Visualize psychic energy flowing from you, as you exhale.

If you are absorbing energies or magnetizing current, your aura, chant the following mantra several times while the display: "EMA-BA." This mantra is still the power to draw, wherever you are, the energy.Singing can be done verbally or mentally, depending on what is comfortable and adequate.
Mudra is also used to lend or to authorize others with energy. After generating the necessary energy, focus hands on the back of the receiver about one inch from the physical form. Then see the energy from the palms of the hands and body of the subject. You can see the energy, like a brilliant white, silver or light gold. Thus, while the channeling of energy from yourPalms of your hands, move up and down along the left and right sides of the spine where the ganglia of the nervous system. This measure leads to a cure, and collaboration to take on the subject, and if done in conjunction with specific skills possessed by the operator - these could also be channeled or transferred.

6) The Pyramid Mudra. This mudra strengthens the negative polarity of the physical body and creates a powerful magnetic force for attracting cosmic energiesthe sides, so as to balance the "Yang" and "yin" of the microcosm. This mudra is first magnetizer mudra above happened. View the animated image is an excellent representation of this hand-mudra, even if it is not necessary to move the head as shown by the toon-image.

To do this mudra, simply palms together, and over his head. Put together your own two feet while standing. Now hold this position for 5-10 minutes, when the singing andvibrate the word "But". After several minutes of singing, breathing deeply and then exhale and keep you empty your lungs as long as comfortable. If you need to breathe to do, and then as you exhale, repeat the above. Making the special technique of breathing for several cycles, after which you can continue with the other mudras.

The above are just some of the Egyptian mudras that have come to us are the statements, which are merely guidelines. Feel free to improvise andExperiment.

[Note: This document contains images that can be seen as originally published on our website]

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore

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วันเสาร์ที่ 2 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Mercury Retrograde in Libra - Where is the truth? - September 24 to October 15, 2008

Mercury is a fast little planet, and obits the Sun every 88 days. Because the earth is not the center of the solar system, Mercury is too often seems backwards against the Universe - Mercury Retrograde. Mercury's back to pass and takes about 3 weeks, about 3 or 4 times a year. All the planets of the zodiac, with the exception of the sun and the moon, then back from our perspective. We usually give Mercury more emphasis because of its proximity to us, and for hisFast Track.

When Mercury is retrograde step, are often faced with problems from our past again for us. Many of my clients tell me about ex-lovers only out of wood during Mercury retrograde. Often things begun during a Mercury Inverse does not work. Not a good time to change jobs or to sign a long-term commitment. I tell my customers are looking for work during a Mercury declined to consider the temporary location.

There are also positive aspects, which are equipped with aMercury retrograde including reuniting with a lost love. Its also a great time for hunting Channeling the spirit and soul. The veil between here and the other side becomes thin when Mercury is retrograde. Do you have old projects "in the drawer?" Mercury rules the mind, something of our past more clearly now. It is also a good time to return the documents and things in order.

This Mercury retrograde will cross the sign of Libra. The balance is not aSigns known always tell the truth. Libra is ruled by Venus, and beauty, relationships, and diplomacy are far more important to a Libra that the absolute, pure truth. A Libra will lie if they believe that there is more polite than telling the truth. Ask a Libra, "How do I look in this dress?" and can not be answered truthfully. And with the upcoming election is very important here in the United States, we Americans need to maintain a skeptical attitude when we judge the candidates at this time.

Theearly days of Mercury is probably the hardest decreased with Mercury changing direction () retrograde station, while an exact conjunction with Mars. Mars is the warrior, and he rules our temperament and our sexual desire. Mercury transport, so we usually expect, travel problems when Mercury is in the station of decline, but add Mars to the mix and the potential for "Road Rage" increases exponentially. With all this happening in Libra, the sign of partnership, thecould also be misunderstandings with family members and colleagues. So, starting from September 23 to 25 with caution.

There is no interaction with the planet Mercury, when (it hits its direct station on the degree to which changes from back to front) for retrograde motion, we can only find out a sigh of relief on October 15th. And, 17 October, will be as usual.

Mercury Transit of the regression of 23 degrees to 7 degrees Libra. So, now it is time toCheck the standings birth. If you have any planets or power points of 5 to 25 degrees in cancer or Capricorn, there may be some problems in relationships at work and at home. 6 If you have any planets in Aries at 25 degrees, you can hear that hard work and achieving little had been achieved. And if you have planets in the same degrees in Libra, you can get some decisions you'll regret it. First think, then act, and to postpone any decision until the big Mercury has been declining in the course. Gemini andAquarius on the same level can find something he lost. The birth of planets, or Power Point like appearance will determine which area of your life will be affected. Influence check to see you too, to cover the Mercury of your homes, tell more about how Mercury retrograde your life.

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Channeling - What is it?

In New Age circles, channeling messages are known. People look forward to their spiritual rather be with the person receiving the message.

What exactly is a channeled message?

Channeling is nothing more than access to spiritual wisdom, each provides. The channel allows the reception of the message, get the energy to be, through them. The recipient of the message to "translate" the energyWords.

One of the most famous books of channeled material is the Bible. Some people think it is the inspired Word of God being mean that the person who inspired the writing of various books were a spiritual connection with God, and then wrote down what they believed God has spoken. The word "channel" is simply nothing more to say, how the Bible came to be written.

A crucial point for obtaining information on this method to remember is that inspiration is all filtered if theThe faith of the recipient and culture. Every message from a spiritual source can be distorted by faith is. We see this type of bias in the news many times. Someone has a belief of a particular race or culture, and acts on that faith without finding the information about the person or situation.

Just because the information does not derive from a spiritual source of real information, or spiritual source would be someone that you want to listen. Rate Informationbefore acting on it. Making this an intellectually and emotionally. If the data are significant? If not, why not? How do you feel about the information? E 'right for you?

In evaluating the information, know you're there with your beliefs of the evaluation. Before you dismiss the information to be wrong, ask yourself what beliefs you from working. Take time to assess what support is read from the channel before the acceptance or rejection, theto discover what information is important to you.

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