วันอังคารที่ 19 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Book Review - The Afterlife Experiments - Breakthrough scientific evidence of Life After Death

What happens if you believe a scientific reason for what you already know, I'm in your heart is true? The Afterlife Experiments: Evidence scientific discovery of Life After Death (Pocket Books) by Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D., is a gift for someone who knows that this is life eternal, that the soul survives the death of the physical body. A professor at the University of Arizona, Dr. Schwartz and his revolutionary, double-blind experiments have a lot of feelings. His methodremoves all the objections of skeptics "for the survival of research with one exception - the one that is doing this research, first.

As a scientist, Dr. Schwartz, wants to develop hypotheses and test them. He believes that his work to ensure that the hypothesis that life energy information systems, once created, will continue for an indefinite period means - that provides support eternal soul. Does not say he has "evidence" for the life after death. How can you prove to someone else, asks that you make a special lovePerson? Not for what you say or what you do, because these words and actions could only be the love of his motivation. All they know is "where is the love that certain person, but as you can" prove "to someone else? This is a problem. Another problem is: How do you know that you are correct, interpret as" love "? Perhaps it is really something else. Dr. Schwartz replied that the scientific process that allows the existence of things, we can concludecan not confirm directly acknowledge the existence of invisible, like gravity. Science allows us to evaluate the interpretations of our experiences of some interpretations, while rejecting the others must still be viable.

We all know that the evidence can not prove mediumship "," the existence of life after death, because there are too many alternative interpretations of data. The first is perhaps the medium or psychic has enormous psychic abilities and can be easily"know" the answer to a question posed, although the data sent from a given spirit of a deceased person. Psi This "super" hypothesis is almost impossible to disprove, A. The double-blind test, Dr. Schwartz reports can demonstrate to transfer information "abnormal", certainly, but no experiment can certainly "prove" that the information obtained from immaterial souls. Instead, Dr. Schwartz believes that the information the information exchanged. For example, ifMedia Relay corrected some information from deceased relatives during the meeting, the spirit is often the medium, jokes, and interacts with the medium. If the media just picked up information and have not been in a genuine dialogue with an intelligent being, is not this kind of event that takes place. The bottom line is that the simplest explanation for all the data that the information comes from living souls abnormal. So he has the scientific data that allows us to believewhat we already know to be true. So what?

Gary Schwartz is a great perspective as to show that life survives the death. His research has reason to suspect that there is love behind it provided. And 'love for transferring information - communication among loved ones in spirit and loved the physical body motivated. Sir Isaac Newton, the man who discovered gravity he explained, that this appeal that was made between all things in creation of aRevelation of God, in other words, the gravity of Newton equated with love. Love is the universal energy, said Professor Schwartz.

Love is a human face on energy, which is the Info-energy systems, which we call soul. He also notes that it is love that most of the communication between the psychic medium and the system info-energy that is motivated soul aka. In many cases, his attempts to communicate with the spirit of information that has less influence on the experimental conditions wouldhad, as it includes the teaching of love for relatives living. Much like a ghost may have been motivated to help the experiment succeed, and combine the information you need, you should use the other messages that have a strong desire, the spirit that relatives who live to know the love that has always taken a reasoned from deceased relatives were still among the living.

Dr. Schwartz, the history, the way involved in this study said it was his love for the love of a colleague of hislate father, who had considered the idea of him in the afterlife inspired. It 'was an intellectual curiosity, but for HAPS not enough to justify the criticism that research has generated among his colleagues. It 'was the love, pushed him into action. As a reward for the success of its pilot scheme to demonstrate the feasibility of a scientific research on survival, his work clearly demonstrates the eternal presence and infinite power of love in creation of the linktogether, not what the community and the community is only possible, but essential for life.

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