วันจันทร์ที่ 4 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Psychic - Channels & Channeling

This is usually done by the media. There are highly developed psychic abilities. The historical descriptions of the media goes back almost 4,000 years, Chinese literature. Ancient Asian media empire known as Wu consulted. Wu said that councils communicate data, information and insights from the spirits of the dead.

There are two types of media. Mental media gives insight, expertise, clairaudience (hear voices and messages) andAccess sensory impressions (thoughts). Some media are known psychic John Edward and James Van Praagh.

Physical media serve as channels for the physical manifestations of disembodied spirits initated. To populate the Rev. William Stainton Moses was for the levitation, table tiliting known, mysterious sounds, lights and smells and hands materialization lumuinous and columns of light, with human forms.

I'm sure most of you have seen the movie Ghost with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore.For the movie, Sam (Patrick Swayze) has to be his wife, Molly (Demi Moore), realizing that is to unite in danger, so he tries to communicate with Molly through Oda Mae Brown (Whoppi Goldberg), a fake psychic finds out that his power is real. At the end of the film Oda Mae Sam can give his body so that he can and Molly one last kiss. This meduimship known as channeling or trance.

Channeling is one of the most controversial forms of mediumship. Was in vogue untilonly in the 80s later. Channeling is not as popular because many channels are violated or falsified their ablities. Some of them were executed with their talent on cults and power over others.

Another name for the channel is a trance medium, are so called because when the spirit takes over her body to communicate with them, give a deep trance state and become unconscious. Often the channels you speak with an accent and add unique and complex messagesTeachings.

Spirits sometimes pretend to souls spiritually very advanced, or super human beings - angels, avatars, or ascended masters. Some believe that many of these spirits were never humans, or that once were men, but have now surpassed the human condition and that rose to higher dimensions. Most channels do not communicate with normal people who have passed away.

JZ Kinght, the channels most popular medium in trance a company named Ramtha.Ramtha claims to 35000 years old warlord of Atlantis. Another medium in trance channels Penny Torres a company called Mafua. Mafua says it was a ghost of a leper, who lived in Pompeii.

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